Easiest Swing
Phil Moore
A Senior Golf Specialist. Helping Everyday Golfers Play Far Better Golf at the Beautiful Goose Creek Golf Course.
My New Video Book
How many times do you have to change your swing before you get better?
The size, taper, and condition of the grip is far more important than most golfers realize.
You're never going to swing exactly the same way twice, so stop trying.
Golf clubs are not getting better every year.
Everyone fits golf clubs differently
Fear is the greatest hazard in golf.
Why it is so easy for the average golfer to improve.
Few golfers are mentally present when playing a golf shot...which is a problem.
The shaft is not the engine of the golf club.
Golfers are seldom properly fitted for the most important clubs in their bag.
Why you hit the ball far better than you score
Why is the average golfer no better today than he was fifty years ago?